Friday, May 22, 2009

Statistics & Summary of UM TMC Blog for the End of Session 2008/2009


The blog was first introduced on 5th June 2008.

No of posts for till end of Dec 2008 = 76 posts

No of posts till end of May 2009 (approx.) = 70 posts

(a) Total no. of posts for the session 2008/2009 = 146 posts.

Total number of visitiors till end of May 2009 (approx.) = 6500 hits

Total no. of days from 5th June 2008 till 31st May 2009 = 360 days

(b)The Average Number of Views Per Day for the session 2008/2009

= 6500 hits / 360 days= 18.03 views per day (approx. 18)


In October 2008, the average number of views per day was approximately 15 and it has increased towards the end of May 2009 to 18 views per day.

The days with most number of views are usually Thursday, Friday and Saturday - this may be caused by the posts and views on each meeting reports mostly done on these days by the members and visitors.

Wednesday stated the least number of views as we conduct our meetings on Wednesday evenings.

We have the column of open opinions and comments for members and guests after each posts. However, the interaction is not very encouraging.

There have been problems on spam in the chatbox, but it has been brought down to a controllable level.

Most of the meeting reports were included with photos, except for the contest report (photos is in the Facebook section) and 3 meeting reports.

The highest number of viewers reported at a time is 3 (online at one time).

Reported by,

VP Public Relations,


Kimmyshorty said...

1 word:


Not bad wei!!

Rishi said...

I miss my accounting studies when I use the sentence 'for the End of Session 2008/2009' - it's something like 'Manufacturing Account For Year End 2009'...

And most importantly, I'm gonna miss the whole UM TMC Session of 2008/2009.
