Saturday, March 22, 2014

Meeting No: 148
Theme: Haze

Word of the day: Shrouded

The past week has been a hazy one. However, it didn't quite affect the UMTMC’s member, (I mean)  in terms of their collective goal – to improve their communication skills.

As usual, a brief round of introduction was conducted to set the tone of the meeting, followed by the Table Topic Session to condition everyone’s mind which had just been blunted by the wear and tear of daily routines.

For regular guest Yahya, it was a question of living in the past or future. Apparently, the more appropriate take seems to be treasuring the presence.

Asked if he had met any celebrity before, for an avid fan of badminton like TM Nicholas, you definitely don’t expect the likes of Tom Cruise, Adele etc. You know what the default answers are.

Asked if which celebrity she would wish to bump upon, being a follower of TVB Dramas, CC, CL Ing Ting’s reply wasn’t out of blue.

As for CC Sara, the question jolted her back to her childhood in Pakistan, where she once grabbed the crown in a beauty pageant contest held in her school. Her speech could have been enhanced with some model-like swagger.

Next, it was time to listen to the Project Speeches

TM Chern Kern, being the first speaker, sent a strong reminder to the audience that time is so precious, with a rather reprimanding title – “What are you doing?”

Then, the next speech with the title “Social Contract” took the philosophy out of CC Wei Chin
Still, laughter to her was a universal and flexible element despite the presence of John Locke in the topic that demanded some seriousness.

The session was ended with CC,CL Ing Ting's presentation of how a club can emerge as a distinguished club. Plenty of take-home advice was there.

After a hearty refreshment, the evaluation session began, with CL Abner Francis steering the wheel. Being a visitor from other club, Abner Francis had opened the minds of UMTMC members to new perspective and exposure. Indeed, his presence was the highlight of the day in view of his eloquence and helpfulness.

Last but not least, the winner goes to ….


TM Sara, the Best Table-Topic Speaker.

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