Monday, December 07, 2009

Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking (Final Part)

9. My gestures look forced, should I leave my hands at my side. This makes me even more nervous. How can I have relaxed gestures?

· Speak to the crowd in a conversational tone. This can take practice, but helps immensely with your gestures.

· Try to NOT think about your hands.

· If you play with buttons or put your hands in your pockets, try to NOT wear clothes with pockets or buttons. Putting your hands in your pockets is a big distraction to your listeners that you should avoid at all costs!

· If none of these works, try keeping your hands at your side, and pinching your index finger and thumb together tightly. This should help to remind you not to pick at your clothes.

10. What do I do if I drop my cards?

· Pick them up. Ok, sorry. We authors do have a sense of humor sometimes.

· After you pick them up, go to the appropriate card.

· If you number your cards in the top left corner and circle the number, this is very easy to do.

· If you do not remember the number you were on, then go to the COLORED topic you were at.

· This is one of the reasons that using colors and numbers help.

· Another trick is to use your mind to make a map of your speech.

a. What I mean by this is that you simply have a maze drawn out in your head of all the main topics.

b. Do this by visualizing your story like a movie or story. You can even see yourself doing the speech in the mirror, and then replay it in your mind several times. This helps!

(taken from, 2002 Pagewise)

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