Sunday, April 05, 2009

Behind the Screens of Our April Fool Meeting

Let me describe some of the April Fool incidents that took place behind the screens of last Wednesday’s meeting. One day before the meeting, CC Kimmy Foo, our President, texted all the officers (committee of UM TMC) that there would be some Board of Directors of a university would be coming to our meeting and we need to wear formal.

So, almost all the officers wore formal in the meeting (including me, not because of Kimmy’s text, but I actually came directly from an official thing). Earlier before the meeting, I had the strange feeling that the text sent by Kimmy could be a prank by looking at the way of sentence. But I was caught indirectly by Kimmy’s prank. As soon as Kimmy revealed about the prank at the end of the meeting, TM Vijay asked me immediately whether I wear formal due to the prank. You really caught me there, Kimmy, through Vijay.

Anyway, I tried to get Kimmy to be a victim of April Fool too. Thus, during the award-giving session of Best Table Topics Speaker, just before the shooting of photo, I shouted to her “Your hair, your hair”….and she ignored it knowing that it’s a prank..missed that one….

After the meeting, I had to use some ‘energy’ by using her camera just to get her to be the April fool. At last, I did it, even though she was a bit angry on that...Hehe.. Well, pranks are best done only during the April Fool’s Day because somehow you will be forgiven by the victims on this special day. Don’t ever try it on some other days because you might end up getting into unwanted trouble. April Fool doesn’t work on other days except for the 1st of April.

The report on the meeting will be posted quite late since our VPPR is having problem with his internet connection and will be resolved soon.

VP Public Relations,

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