Friday, February 11, 2011

Highlights of Meeting on 9 February 2011

Our theme for this week's meeting is Chinese New Year. Happy Rabbit year to all!
Here are some highlights of our meeting.
# Competent communicator Ivy Lau is the best evaluator of the meeting!

# Toastmaster Kah Fai receiving his 'angpau' for best table topic speaker.

Thanks to all attendees who make the meeting successful
Happy Chinese New Year!!

Friday, February 04, 2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


TM Yuhe in her 10th project speech in CC manual!
Congratulation to CC Yuhe for completion her CC manual!
Table Topic Evaluator, CC Ras Hadi.
Our Best Table Topic of the day and Our General Evaluator, DTM Dr Devi Manon
DTM Dr Devi and CC Ras hadi.
CC Ivy Lau receiving her souvenir, for the best project speech of the day.

Thanks to all attendees who make the meeting successful
Happy Chinese New Year!!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Fellow Toastmasters,

Happy Chinese New Year and Enjoy your holidays with your family!!