Sunday, April 05, 2015

Meeting no: 170

Theme: April Fool's Day

Word of the Day: Chicanery

April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. 

Humor and jokes are always welcome as long as they are balanced
Jokes and humor,  are relaxing and means of increasing Fellowship and Love between people.

The important role of jokes and humor, which have got its limits and criteria, in attracting attention, preventing people around from getting bored and strengthening love cannot be denied.

Make kind jokes and Embrace your brothers/sisters and friends around you. 
Send your smiles to each other as gifts.(Fedakar KIZMAZ)

Toastmaster of the Evening ACB CL, Fatima Ajmal.
Our gorgeous Club Treasure ACB CL, Fatima Ajmal took the role of  Toastmaster of the Evening
She carried out the whole process well, starting from Toastmasters history to introducing speakers, including their speech topic, project title, objectives and speech delivery time.
Her transitions was smooth between speakers during the club meeting.

1st Session Table Topics Session Kick Started!!!

Table Topics Master TM, Elisha.
   Table Topics Master TM, Elisha took the center stage. She presented light-hearted,                                         and interesting Table Topics to the participants.

Table Topics Participants.

Now it's time for 2nd session the Project Speech Session !!!

TM Yee Yuan. 
The first speaker TM Yee Yuan presented a prepared speech from CC Manual, project no 5,

 Tilted : "Planning Tomorrow Tomorrow".

ACB, CL Wei Chin.

Speaker ACB CL, Wei Chin did her first Specialty Speech, Speak Off the Cuff.

ACB CL, Sara Ajmal.
Third speaker ACB CL, Sara Ajmal did her speech no 2 from the manual 

Specialty Speeches entitled, "Let's stand up for the Environment".

Project Speech Session Came to an End.

 The Evaluation Session 

Team of Speech Evaluators.

General Evaluator Dr. Thilla.

TM Nicholas, CC Jacky and CC Nur Shafinas.

Prepared speeches were evaluated by team of evaluators who provided their 
valuable feedback to the Speakers

Evaluators began with positive feedback ,they encouraged and praised speakers.
than they highlighted areas of improvement on their speech and delivery.

Team of Role Players

Timer Kah Mun.
Timer Kah Mun timed elements of the meeting such as speeches, topics and evaluations. He recorded the time throughout the meeting and provided a 
professional report.

Language Evaluator CC, Nur Shafinas. 
Grammarian, CC Nur Shafinas presented her short report efficiently. She reported poor or incorrect word usage, pronunciation and sentence structure.
Ah Counter TM Nicholas.

Keen eared Ah Counter TM Nicholas, counted the usage of crutches and noted words such as "ah", "umms", "you konw", and " la".

Time for Awards Presentation Session!

The Table Topics Speaker of the Evening……

We Have Two Table Topics Winners.

Table Topics Winner - Guest Pei Fang

Table Topics Winner - CC, Nur Shafinas. 
The Best Speaker of the Evening……

Project Speech Winner - ACB CL, Sara Ajmal.
The Best Evaluator of the Evening

Best Evaluator Winner - CC Jacky Wong.

Presenting Awards of Appreciation to GE Dr. Thilla.

UMTMC's guests giving their feedback at the end of meeting.

Happy Guests Giving their Feedback.

Presenting Token of Appreciation, to Guests.

At the end of meeting all guests and members came together to capture Happy 

Moments and celebrate success of meeting.
Humor is vital and jokes are more than welcome, as long as everyone involved agree

 on their humoristic content.

English is the language of choice and is to be used at all times when communicating. 

Be respectful to each other at all times

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