Monday, March 15, 2010

Table Topics Contest

Table Topics Contest cum sixth meeting of the semester was held on 3rd March 2010. The meeting was started by the Sergeant-of-Arms, TM Sui Peng, on time as per scheduled - 5.30pm.

After the welcoming speech from our President, the Table Topics Contest was started. The judges were

1) DTM Dr Devi
2) ACS CL Vijaya
3) ACB CL Nisha

Let me introduce to you our guest. ACS CL Vijaya is the visiting Toastmaster all the way from California. She will be staying in UM until approximately 15th April. We would definitely like her to come to all of our meetings, it's a previlige for us.

The participants were (random order)

1) Hadi
2) Arissa
3) Wynlyn
4) Deborah
5) Khairil Nizam
6) Sui Peng

I would say that all the participants were not nervous at all. Right? Each of the participants were given different questions so that everyone can see their friends' performance.

Here are the results....drum roll....drum roll...

1) Deborah Chow - Champion
2) Wynlyn - 1st runner up
3) Khairil Nizam - 2nd runner up

Next was the project speeches as follows:

1) CC Project #4 - My Favourite Artiste by TM Arissa
2) CC Project #4 - Cap Trade by TM Sook Ching
3) CC Project #8 - Origamy by TM Khairil Nizam

Our General Evaluator was DTM Dr Devi and the project speech evaluators were as follows:

1) TM Fun
2) ACB CL Deborah Chow

Our other role players were:

1) Ah Counter - TM Sui Peng
2) Grammarian - TM Rishi
3) Time Keeper = TM Hadi

Thus, congrats to Deborah Chow. She will be representing our UM TMC to the Area Contest of Area W5. The photos will be posted soon, if we still have it, hopefully...



Forza Meyya said...

in future, do release the judges' names as it has to be confidential. u can announce the chief judge's name but not the rest.

UM TMC said...

Oops!! Yep, it's supposed to be confidential...but I guess all the participants knew the judges on that day as it was too obvious..hehe...will not put the names in future...