Saturday, December 12, 2009

UM TMC in EDMAT32 Public Speaking Programme

It has been a pleasure for the three of us (Kimmy Foo, Nyuk Jet, and me) to attend the public speaking programme held in EDMAT32 as the evaluators. We have been the assistance for Mr Ismail Omar (from the IEM Toastmasters) to evaluate about 25 participants from various universities in the impromptu speech speaking.

It was quite surprising to know that some of them were from Indonesia, Philipines, and some were international students. During the public speaking session, we observed that some were nervous, some had problems in organizing points and some had difficult times to get the points right. Some did manage to show their skills of becoming a good speaker.

However, that is not the whole point of public speaking. The main point is that all the participants had the guts and bravery to go up on the stage and present something in front of the whole audience. That is what really counts - the first step of public speaking. Other aspects in public speaking would come automatically through practice. Practice makes perfect!!!

At the end of the programme, we were allocated time to promote our UM TMC club, hoping that engineering students would join our club. We definitely had great time of evaluation.

Thank you Mr Ismail Omar and EDMAT32 organizers for giving us the chance.


(sorry, no photos taken ya)


Estarfly said...

I'm Ex-Edmateer as well.
In EDMAT29 is my first time to know Toastmaster. ^_^
Memorable memories..

UM Toastmasters Club said...

Ya, you can meet a lot of new friends there, including students from other countries.