Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eighteenth Meeting - Revving Up

‘REVVING UP’ was the theme of our meeting on 18th February 2009. The other meanings of revving up are - to accelerate, revolution of engine, improvement, and to increase. It also has something to do with speed, engine, and car. The word of the day was ‘Fresh’, meaning: new and therefore interesting or exciting. Example of word – ‘We have tried to come up with a fresh new approach’.

Our Sergeant-of Arms of the meeting, who was also our President, CC Kimmy Foo (she’s back from Singapore with a new ‘Japanese’ kind of look), called the meeting to order and gave the welcoming speech. Dear President, did something changed your ‘inner look’ when you were in Singapore? Is it a secret? Then, our Toastmaster of the Evening, TM Bee Guan, explained about the brief history of Toastmasters and made all of our members and guests to introduce themselves.

The Table Topics Master of the evening was none other than TM Rishi. He has prepared the Table Topics questions by taking into account the theme of the day. Today, there were seven Table Topics Speakers as the following:

1. Nyuk Jet
2. Siew Peng
3. Vijay
4. Teng Yuhe
5. Yee Sin
6. Bee Guan
7. Vincent (for the first time in the history of UM TMC, our DTM Vincent)

We can realize that the number of Table Topics Speakers was increasing in our recently held meetings and it actually gives more chances for those who are not playing any roles to at least participate in our meetings. Well, the Table Topics Master of today was too excited until he tried to finish up all the seven questions he has prepared by hook or crook (and ignoring the timer….so bad). The Table Topics Evaluator was CC Kimmy and she has done a good job of evaluating all the seven Table Topics Speakers.

Next was the Project Speeches Session where our stars of the day were waiting anxiously till their names were called to present their speeches. Our speakers for today were

1. CC Project # 1: Ice Breaker – ‘Before, Current and After’ by TM Gui Siew Peng

2. CC Project # 1: Ice Breaker – ‘Becoming Me’ by TM Marium

3. CC Project # 2: Organize Your Speech – ‘Men’ by TM Lee Yee Sin

Siew Peng and Marium gave an Ice Breaker Speech and we agree that we get to know them closer from their speeches. They explained about their lives, families, studies, pressure, activities, mission, and the problems they have experienced in the past. Student life can be difficult if all the assignment and activities appear about the same time, and the book to be studied is as thick as a tower. Yee Sin gave an attention grabbing speech by saying that men are everything but simple. She unzipped the secret characteristics of men. Since I’m a men too, I feel a bit of guilt to write more about it....but it was an exciting speech.

Our General Evaluator, DTM Vincent Hor, took over the floor and presented overall evaluation of the meeting. Talking about our GE, he gave us a surprise for today’s meeting. He sponsored a ______ (something we were dying to get till some of our officers participated in competition just to get the prize money to fill in the club budget). Those who attended the meeting knew about it. For those who didn’t attend our meeting, just keep an eye on the blog as there will be a beautiful picture of the thing coming right up.

Our role players were Ah Counter (TM Nyuk Jet), Grammarian (CC Kimmy), and Time Keeper (TM Teng Yuhe), and our Project Speech Evaluator were TM Bee Guan, TM Kimmy (again and again – she did play a lot of roles in this meeting), and DTM Vincent Hor.
Last but not least, the award session….

The Best Table Topics Speaker goes to…..drum roll….drum roll…..


The Best Project Speech Speaker goes to….drum roll…..drum roll….


In accordance to our theme, make sure all of you ‘rev up’ in your studies. For next week, there will be no meetings, but we will have the University of Malaya International Speech & Table Topics Contest 2009. You can see the details below this report. Hoping to see you all next week as participants and audience.


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